Return policy

If you are not satisfied with the received goods and you want to return your order, you can do so within 30 days. Make sure that you include the original packing slip with the return order. Please note: unfortunately we cannot process returns without the packing slip.

Send your order (including packing slip) to:

AES Foods B.V

Answer number 1157


The Netherlands

You can only return unopened goods. Return shipments with opened or used products will not be accepted as a correct return and will be treated as such. When returning the order/goods, preferably use the original packaging, including the protective materials.

Damage and problems
In the event that your order arrives damaged and the product is no longer usable, please send an email to with your name, order number and a picture of the condition of the item. In consultation we will send you a replacement product or credit the amount.

If you have received the wrong product, you can contact us at Please indicate that it concerns an incorrect order. Inform us with your name and order number, for a fast process. We will send you a replacement product as soon as possible.

As soon as we have received the return, we will inform you and initiate the refund. You will be refunded via the original payment method. Please note that it may take some time for your bank or credit card company to process the refund.